Tuesday, April 10, 2012

April Ten on Ten

It's been a long while (as in back on my other blog) since I've participated in Ten on Ten, but I've been wanting too for a while and today it finally worked out.

If you don't know about Ten on Ten, check it out here.

Starting my day in the Word, because after yesterday I knew I needed it.

Coffee to get me moving.

Zucchini blossoms, can't wait to have some fresh produce.  

Little man with a busted lip.  Poor baby fell off a stool while brushing his teeth.

Playing Team GeoTrax with the little boys.  Best.toy.ever.

Smelling fresh roses when I walk out my front door.  Spring is here!

Quality alone time with elliptical machine. Alone time is so good for me.

Because everyone should have their heart completely wrecked while in Chick-fil-a.

This little man is just getting bigger everyday and he gives everything he does all that he has. I love him.

Nutella and croissants.  Enough said.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Instagram, FINALLY

I feel like I've been waiting for Instagram to come to Android forever.  Okay, not literally forever, but you know.  Well, it's finally here and I've got it!  I love it.  It's so easy to post pictures to it and make them look cool with the different settings and then it's super easy to share with facebook and twitter.
So, if you're not already on the Instagram bandwagon then jump on.  Make sure you look me up, heathereclark.  Let me know if you're on so I can follow you.