Tuesday, January 10, 2012

My Favorite Candy of All

Oh my goodness.  It's that time of year again when every trip to the store is a test in will power, a struggle to stay in control.  It's time for Easter Candy.  My favorite candy in the whole world are Cadbury Creme Eggs.  These little things are like crack.  As a kid it was the only candy I got in my Easter basket because all the other junk was worthless to me.  So, when I walked in the grocery store and saw the little section of Easter Candy already out (good grief we just finished Christmas and haven't even had Valentines yet!) I got a little giddy.  Folks, I've been known to buy a 4 pack of these little beauties and eat them in the car on the way home.  It's bad news for me.
However, I fully believe in moderation not deprivation.  So, I bought one and only one.  I knew if I bought more to have later I'd never make it to later.  I didn't devour it in the car on the way home.  I waited until I got home and enjoyed it.  I might buy another one before the Easter season is over, but being deliberate about just purchasing one and not going crazy like a starved maniac really put me in a good mindset.  If I have another one it's no big deal, but I'm perfectly content with the one I've had and I don't feel the need to rush out to the store to get more.

Look!  Isn't it pretty? : )  I know, I have a problem.

In other news, I started week 2 of Couch to 5K.  It was hard.  I wasn't feeling great and I ran and walked slower than I did during week 1.  Oh well, at least I completed all the running segments, so I guess at this point it doesn't matter how fast or slow I go.

Here's my stats on the run.  I know you're probably not interested in this part, but putting it on the blog helps me keep track.

I also did some lower body weights (for the first time since my hernia surgery...it was hard) and then I got on the elliptical machine, but just for 10 minutes because I was hurting from the weights.

Have a great Tuesday everyone!  My littlest man turns 2 tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!

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